'The triumphant return of Gatchaman, the iconic Japanese animated franchise of a five-member, bird-themed superhero team! A mechanical terror has descended upon numerous cities and the world's greatest scientists are disappearing. Our only hope: Science Ninja Team Gatchaman! As they battle these machinations from the international terrorist organization known as Galactor, their strength, willpower, and even vehicles are pushed to the absolute limit. If they fail…who's waiting in the wings to take their place? The first exciting volume in an ongoing series that expands upon the original anime series!' Collects Issues #0-5.
The price of "Gatchaman Graphic Novel Volume 1" at Big Bang Toys Comics Games is USD $17.99.
"Gatchaman Graphic Novel Volume 1" is associated with the Gatchaman brand.
The publisher of "Gatchaman Graphic Novel Volume 1" is Mad Cave Studios.
The genre of "Gatchaman Graphic Novel Volume 1" is Action Adventure.
"Gatchaman Graphic Novel Volume 1" falls under the category of Graphic Novels.
The artist of "Gatchaman Graphic Novel Volume 1" is Chris Batista. The cover artist is Inaki Miranda.
The writer of "Gatchaman Graphic Novel Volume 1" is Cullen Bunn.