One of the biggest anime/manga properties of all time returns with the release of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. The Glory of Losers retells the original WING story by incorporating elements of the anime and its recent light novel adaptations. Following the actions of five fighters and their mobile suits (large robots made for destruction), Gundam Wing is a heavily political, dramatic action work that is centered around a war between Earth and its surrounding colonies in space.
The price of "Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Manga Volume 5 Glory of the Losers" at Collected Comics & Games: Fort Worth is USD $12.95.
"Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Manga Volume 5 Glory of the Losers" is associated with the Gundam brand.
The publisher of "Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Manga Volume 5 Glory of the Losers" is Vertical Inc.
The genre of "Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Manga Volume 5 Glory of the Losers" is Science Fiction.
"Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Manga Volume 5 Glory of the Losers" falls under the category of Manga.
The artist of "Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Manga Volume 5 Glory of the Losers" is Tomofumi Ogasawara. The cover artist is Usamaru Furuya.
The writer of "Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Manga Volume 5 Glory of the Losers" is Katsuyuki Sumizawa.