In this manga adaptation of the popular web novel series, an overworked wage slave finds himself transported to a fantasy world where he quickly becomes the strongest sage in the world...thanks to the help of an army of tamed Slimes!Fighting Dragon with Dragon!After Yuji manages to free Baolzard, an ancient dragon with immense power, from captivity within a mine controlled by the Blue Moon of Salvation, the group trashes the cult’s home base before escaping back to Baolzard’s former domain. Once there, Yuji learns about the impending revival of the Dragon of Dark Ruin and the even more fearsome Dragon of Red Omen along with the existence of a former Sage Monster Tamer who died trying to take the fearsome wyvern down. With Baolzard by his side, does Yuji stand a chance in defeating the double dragons, or is he toast?!
The price of "My Isekai Life Manga Volume 9" at Collected Comics & Games: Fort Worth is USD $12.99.
The publisher of "My Isekai Life Manga Volume 9" is Square Enix.
The genre of "My Isekai Life Manga Volume 9" is Fantasy.
"My Isekai Life Manga Volume 9" falls under the category of Manga.
The artist of "My Isekai Life Manga Volume 9" is Ponjea (friendly Land).
The writer of "My Isekai Life Manga Volume 9" is Shinkoshoto.