Bruce Wayne’s difficult journey to become Batman continues as he travels to Northern Canada seeking a mastery of weapons and marksmanship from a legendary hunter. Bruce’s companion, however, will reveal a lethal secret that could jeopardize the entire mission...
The price of "Batman The Knight #6 (Of 10) Cover A Carmine Di Giandomenico" at ComicHub Virtual Store is USD $4.99.
"Batman The Knight #6 (Of 10) Cover A Carmine Di Giandomenico" is associated with the Batman, and Youneek Studios brands.
The publisher of "Batman The Knight #6 (Of 10) Cover A Carmine Di Giandomenico" is DC Entertainment.
The genre of "Batman The Knight #6 (Of 10) Cover A Carmine Di Giandomenico" is Superheroes.
"Batman The Knight #6 (Of 10) Cover A Carmine Di Giandomenico" falls under the category of Comics.
The artist of "Batman The Knight #6 (Of 10) Cover A Carmine Di Giandomenico" is Carmine Di Giandomenico. The cover artist is Carmine Di Giandomenico.
The writer of "Batman The Knight #6 (Of 10) Cover A Carmine Di Giandomenico" is Chip Zdarsky.