The anthology series set on Monkey Meat Island continues with the unfortunate adventures of Haricot, a sweet young boy who falls victim to harsh bullying. When Haricot finally gets the power to assert himself, will he become a hero-or a monster?
The price of "Monkey Meat #2 (Of 5)" at DreamDaze Comics Fun & Games is USD $5.00.
The publisher of "Monkey Meat #2 (Of 5)" is Image Comics.
The genres of "Monkey Meat #2 (Of 5)" are Fantasy, Horror, and Humor.
"Monkey Meat #2 (Of 5)" falls under the category of Comics.
The artist of "Monkey Meat #2 (Of 5)" is Juni Ba. The cover artist is Juni Ba.
The writer of "Monkey Meat #2 (Of 5)" is Juni Ba.