Following the shocking revelations about her son's fate, Spider-Woman has returned to her old stomping grounds of San Francisco...where she discovers that a brand-new group of young heroes have burst onto the scene! But why does Jess have a sinking feeling that there's more to these teens than meets the eye?
The price of "Spider-Woman #7 Todd Nauck Variant" at DreamDaze Comics Fun & Games is USD $20.00.
"Spider-Woman #7 Todd Nauck Variant" is associated with the Spider-Man, and Spider-Woman brands.
The publisher of "Spider-Woman #7 Todd Nauck Variant" is Marvel Comics.
"Spider-Woman #7 Todd Nauck Variant" falls under the category of Comics.
The artist of "Spider-Woman #7 Todd Nauck Variant" is Ig Guara. The cover artist is Todd Nauck.
The writer of "Spider-Woman #7 Todd Nauck Variant" is Steve Foxe.