� 'NIGHT OF THE OWLS' continues here! � Guest-writer JUDD WINICK joins artist DAVID FINCH for the return of RED ROBIN! � Red Robin is back in Gotham City just in time to face off against TALON and THE COURT OF OWLS!
The price of "Batman the Dark Knight #9 Variant Edition (Night of the Owls)" at Hello Comics is USD $2.99.
"Batman the Dark Knight #9 Variant Edition (Night of the Owls)" is associated with the Batman brand.
The publisher of "Batman the Dark Knight #9 Variant Edition (Night of the Owls)" is DC Entertainment.
The genre of "Batman the Dark Knight #9 Variant Edition (Night of the Owls)" is Superheroes.
"Batman the Dark Knight #9 Variant Edition (Night of the Owls)" falls under the category of Comics.
The artist of "Batman the Dark Knight #9 Variant Edition (Night of the Owls)" is David Finch.
The writer of "Batman the Dark Knight #9 Variant Edition (Night of the Owls)" is Judd Winick.