Keiji Nakazawa was a six-year-old Japanese boy living in Hiroshima on August 6th of 1945. The event of that day influenced the course of his life and forever affected the history of the world. This incredible true story depicts the horror and misery of surviving the blast of an atomic bomb. Most of his family was killed but Keiji lived to witness the aimless procession of living specters with melting flesh and the eventual mass cremations to hinder the stench. Nakazawa’s narrative is a personal recollection of his experiences as he, his mother and brother struggled to survive in post-war Japan. Eventually, Nakazawa became enthralled with comic books. He left his mother and moved to Tokyo to become a cartoonist. He has achieved a measure of notoriety with “Barefoot Gen,” a historical fiction graphic novel based on his own life.
The price of "I Saw It: The Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima - A Survivor's True Story - F" at House of Heroes Comics is USD $15.00.
The publisher of "I Saw It: The Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima - A Survivor's True Story - F" is Zenescope Entertainment Inc.
"I Saw It: The Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima - A Survivor's True Story - F" falls under the category of Comics.