Persona 5: the Animation is an anime television series produced by CloverWorks, a Japanese animation studio and a rebrand of A1 Pictures, renowned for making popular amine series such as Fairy Tail, The Promised Neverland, and Darling in the Franxx. This is a complete collection of material, giving fans detailed behind-the-scenes look at the developing artworks such as character profiles, props profiles, background designs and visual illustrations (including never-before-seen illustrations). The materials consists not only works from Persona 5: the Animation but also from the special episode Dark Sun.
The price of "Persona 5 Animation Material Book (Paperback)" at Wonderland Comics is USD $39.95.
"Persona 5 Animation Material Book (Paperback)" is associated with the Persona 5 brand.
The publisher of "Persona 5 Animation Material Book (Paperback)" is Pie International.
The genre of "Persona 5 Animation Material Book (Paperback)" is Art and Reference Books.
"Persona 5 Animation Material Book (Paperback)" falls under the category of Books.
The writer of "Persona 5 Animation Material Book (Paperback)" is Pie International.