'TEETH, WITH WHICH TO EAT' A man gets shot in London, a law firm gets broken into in Washington, an accountant gives away the password to his computer, and something put to sleep 20 years ago awakens. What is the unsavory relationship all these things share, and how could it bring down two of the largest governments in the history of the world? It's SECRET, a brand new, ongoing, monthly comic from the creators of A RED MASS FOR MARS. Brought to you by award-winning writer JONATHAN HICKMAN an
The price of "Secret #1" at Wonderland Comics is USD $3.50.
The publisher of "Secret #1" is Image Comics.
The genre of "Secret #1" is Mystery.
"Secret #1" falls under the category of Comics.
The artist of "Secret #1" is Ryan Bodenheim.
The writer of "Secret #1" is Jonathan Hickman.