The Simpsons is an American animated sitcom created by Matt Groening for the Fox Broadcasting Company. Developed by Groening, James L. Brooks, and Sam Simon, the series is a satirical depiction of American life, epitomized by the Simpson family, which consists of Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie. The Simpsons larger scale figures are made with additional articulation. Each Action Figure comes with 7-9 points of articulation. Figures each has an accessory included. 4 characters per wave. This first wave from Jakks Pacific includes Homer, Bart, Groundskeeper Willie, and Otto. For kids, fans, and collectors ages 4 years and up.
The price of "Jakks Pacific The Simpsons Series 1 5 Inch Action Figure " at Big Bang Toys Comics Games is USD $15.99.
"Jakks Pacific The Simpsons Series 1 5 Inch Action Figure " is associated with the Simpsons brand.
The publisher of "Jakks Pacific The Simpsons Series 1 5 Inch Action Figure " is Jakks Pacific.
The genre of "Jakks Pacific The Simpsons Series 1 5 Inch Action Figure " is Movie or TV Tie-In.
"Jakks Pacific The Simpsons Series 1 5 Inch Action Figure " falls under the category of Action Figures.