What is Captain Blue Hen Virtually Free Comic Book Day 2020. Well here’s the hyperbole…
Cecil B. DeMille in ambitions and Ed Wood in expectations Captain Blue Hen’s Virtually Free Comic Book Day 2020 will be the most elaborate Facebook Live event we have ever attempted. DJ Jazzy Jason and The Fresh Captain take you around the country with a panoply of guests, local and legendary, with bad jokes, missed cues, heart and happiness as we celebrate the Free Comic Book Day party we can't live without. Help out some amazing charities. Make sure kids of all ages have paper and pencil handy for drawing classes. Comment live with our guests. Get tips for your Halloween costumes (masks encouraged!) from our cosplay expert The Tailor. Check in with your favorite Heroes, Villains and friendly faces as we achieve the absurd by attempting the impossible. It may not be art, but we guarantee it will be fun. Win prizes. Who knows what could happen? I guarantee we don’t.
And Here’s the FAQs-
What is Virtually Free Comic Book Day at Captain Blue Hen’s? Since we can’t be open and regular Free Comic Book Day is postponed indefinitely we are having an ONLINE ONLY Facebook Live party from noon to almost 4 pm on Saturday, May 2nd on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/CaptainBlueHen.
Will there be Free Comic Books?
Short and most definitive answer- No. Long answer- eventually, but not as part of this VIRTUAL event.
How can I take part?
Glad you asked. First- spread the word, share the posts, tell your friends. Tell your enemies and make them jealous. Tell your grandparents and let them try to watch it on the toaster oven.
Second- tune in and watch. It starts slightly before noon if all goes well and the creek don’t rise. We tentatively believe it will go to 3:45, but let’s be the cool kids and say the party goes from noon to ?.
Third- You can commemorate this historic non event by buying a Virtual FCBD pack ( https://tinyurl.com/VFCBD ) off our website, then e-mailing us your mailing address to mail@captainbluehen.com so we can make sure it gets to you. You’ll get a thank you letter in the mail and a voucher for some cool swag down the line when we reopen (and have the as yet unrealized swag prepared).
Fourth- you can get chances to win prizes by purchasing any of these items
Go to captainbluehen.com and type “FCBD” in the search bar to see how to buy
-store gift certificates ( https://tinyurl.com/CBHgift )
-support the shop ( https://tinyurl.com/supportCBH )
- Virtual Free Comic Book Day pack ( https://tinyurl.com/VFCBD )
Or go through our site to donate to these amazing causes (again just type FCBD in the search bar)
- Book Industry Charitable Foundation ( https://tinyurl.com/VFCBDBinc )
- Hero Initiative ( https://tinyurl.com/VFCBDHeroInitiatve )
- Newark Welfare Committee ( https://tinyurl.com/NewarkArea )
Fifth- join in. Our man in the chair, Dave will be working the comments and whispering in Joe and Jason’s ear. Let’s hear your favorite FCBD anecdotes. Ask the guests questions. But remember this is a PG party. We want the kiddies to enjoy themselves, too.
What is a Virtual Free Comic Book Day pack?
A thank you note from The Captain arrives in the mail for you with vouchers for the following- a commemorative VFCBD button, a CBH reusable tote, a VFCBD print, and a coupon for three Free Comics at a date to be named later. You can proudly prove you weren't there with the rest of us. We’re keeping the button under wraps for the moment as we are still designing it, but we think it’s goin to be pretty funny.
What are the prizes of which you speak?
Dunno yet. But we think they will be cool. Tune in to find out.
Why are you doing this? Don’t you have lives?
As tough a slog as the last few weeks (months? Let’s just say 2020 altogether) have been Joe was feeling guilty that he wasn’t feeling the stress of prepping for Free Comic Book Day. Then the whole crew realized how much we missed it. Despite all the work that goes into pulling off the three ring circus that is FCBD we really do it as a party for ourselves and those that work it, love it. We didn’t want to let that go. So The Captain said, “Make it so” and let Jason off the chain. Poor kid hasn’t slept in a week pulling this thing together, but we continue to pour Red Bull in his espresso and other than the hallucinations and tics he’s doing fine.
What if I can’t tune in at that time?
The say the Internet is forever and hopefully the video will be posted for posterity afterward.
Who are these guests?
If you’ve ever been to our FCBD you know we can’t do it without The Iron Man himself, Neil Vokes. The Crew that put the Living in the Undead, The Living Corpse Crew. Kevin Bolk of Interrobang studios. The 501st First State Garrison, The Tailor, and some surprises (we hope).
What have I forgotten to ask?
Well since your are just a solipsistic manifestation of this faceless blogger’s psyche you cannot ask any question they have not yet imagined. Let’s leave it at that for now, shall we? 'Nuff said.