Amid China's Cultural Revolution in the 1960s, a covert military project establishes contact with Trisolaris, an alien planet on the brink of destruction. This sets into motion the Trisolarans' long and menacing journey to invade Earth. Meanwhile, a secret society is formed by the world's elite, broken into factions with differing motivations for aiding in the Trisolaran invasion-from saving the lives of their descendants to accelerating the destruction of humanity. Decades later, a group of scientists and a cunning detective investigate a series of mysterious suicides, leading to the discovery of this Earth-Trisolaran Organization. Humanity's battle against its greatest threat has begun...
The price of "Three-Body Problem Manga Volume 1" at Captain Blue Hen Comics is USD $22.00.
The publisher of "Three-Body Problem Manga Volume 1" is Yen Press.
The genre of "Three-Body Problem Manga Volume 1" is Science Fiction.
"Three-Body Problem Manga Volume 1" falls under the category of Manga.