From Akira Toriyama, the legendary manga creator of Dragon Ball, comes this special collection of short stories spanning the first few decades of his career. Serving as both a collection of his early works and a history of his life as a manga writer and illustrator, this giant tome is packed with everything you could ever want as a fan of classic shonen manga! For teen audiences.
The price of "Akira Toriyama Manga Theater Hardcover" at Fantom Comics is USD $34.99.
The publisher of "Akira Toriyama Manga Theater Hardcover" is Viz Media LLC.
The genre of "Akira Toriyama Manga Theater Hardcover" is Anthology.
"Akira Toriyama Manga Theater Hardcover" falls under the category of Manga (Hardcover).
The writer of "Akira Toriyama Manga Theater Hardcover" is Akira Toriyama.