Based on Eve Titus' beloved series of children books, the Disney animated classic The Great Mouse Detective introduced audiences to Basil, the mouse who lived at 221B Baker Street alongside the great Sherlock Holmes. Now the characters of the film join Funko's POP! figure line. Collect the detective himself, Basil of Baker Street, Olivia, and the despicable Rattigan! Each Pop! figure measures about 3 3/4' tall and comes in a window box for display.
The price of "Pop Disney Great Mouse Detective Olivia Vinyl Figure" at Oiltown Comics is USD $12.99.
"Pop Disney Great Mouse Detective Olivia Vinyl Figure" is associated with the Disney brand.
The publisher of "Pop Disney Great Mouse Detective Olivia Vinyl Figure" is Funko.
The genre of "Pop Disney Great Mouse Detective Olivia Vinyl Figure" is Mystery.
"Pop Disney Great Mouse Detective Olivia Vinyl Figure" falls under the category of Funko Pops.