Based on the popular movie shorts also known as Little Rascals, Dell's Our Gang Comics featured early work by Pogo's Walt Kelly and other cartooning greats. In a story by Kelly, the kids decide to start their own detective agency, and run into black-market gangsters. Barney Bear goes looking for honey and finds angry mountain lions instead, in an early story by legendary Uncle Scrooge creator Carl Barks. The monkeys Flip and Dip try to convince their mother not to march in the parade in her new hat, which is just a bird's nest. Barney Bear; Our Gang; Flip 'n' Dip; Tom and Jerry; Johnny Mole; Barney Bear and Benny Burro; Tom's Mystery. Stock image, for more photos please inquire.
The price of "Our Gang #16" at Wonderland Comics is USD $45.00.
The publisher of "Our Gang #16" is Dell Publishing.
The genres of "Our Gang #16" are Humor, and Kids.
"Our Gang #16" falls under the category of Back Issues (Rare).
The artist of "Our Gang #16" is Walt Kelly. The cover artist is Walt Kelly.
The writers of "Our Gang #16" are Walt Kelly, Carl Barks, and Gaylord Du Bois.